Project Information
4‑H programs are grounded in the belief that kids learn best by doing. Kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture and civic engagement, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids can concentrate on one focus area or they can try a variety of programs throughout their 4‑H experience.
Regardless of the project area, all 4‑H programs include mentoring and career readiness as core elements.
How much does a 4-H project cost?
Cost varies depending on the project. For example, a member enrolled in foods might use supplies found in the typical kitchen at no additional expense while a member who buys and keeps a quarter horse might invest hundreds of dollars. Project leaders and members should discuss costs and make sure selected projects are realistic to individual family situations.
Are projects done individually or as a group?
Both. Some projects, including conservation or biking, are more fun when done as a group! Others, like sewing or baking, are individual endeavors.
Can adults assist with a member’s project work?
Members are expected to do their own project work with appropriate help and support of leaders, junior leaders and parents. Adult supporters may demonstrate or talk members through a project. Ultimately, 4-H’ers are expected to learn by doing projects themselves.
What is an exhibit?
An exhibit is an object or display designed to help members highlight their accomplishments. But an exhibit is not an end in itself, nor does it measure the learning that takes place through a project. An award or ribbon is only one measure of success. Self-recognition and self-satisfaction for having completed a project are also important rewards!
What projects are available to Frederick Couty 4-H members?
Each 4-H'er can participate in a variety of projects either individually or as part of a group. Most projects correspond to one or more of our four pillars: STEM, healthy living, Agriculture, and civil engagement and leadership.
Healthy Living
4‑H healthy living programs help 4‑H youth learn how to lead lives that balance physical, mental, and emotional health.
Read for Health
- Embryology in the Classroom
- Shooting Sports
- Wildlife Food Plot
- Clothing Textiles
Animal Science
- Livestock Shows
- Livestock Camps
- Livestock, Horse, Dairy, and Poultry Judging
- Horse Bowl
- Hippology Contest
- Honey Bee Essay Contest
Civic Engagement
- Citizenship Washington Focus
- Camp Counselor Training
- Club Officer Training
- Operations Christmas Child
- County Council
- State Cabinet
- State Congress
- Trim A Tree
- Community Service Projects
- Public Speaking
- CIT, Teen Camp Counselor
- County Committee Groups
- Resume/Portfolio Workshops
- All Star Workshops
- National Leadership Events
Project & Record Books
Books submissions are due August 31 to the Frederick County Extension Office.
Animal Science Project Books - Theses books are versitile and can be used for ANY animal or species. 4-Her's have three to choose from based on thier project level:
Shooting Education Project Books:
- Archery Project Book
Equine Project Books:
Cloverbud Project Books - Cloverbuds aren't required to submit a book, but they are welcome to complete one.