Animal Science Program
In this project, youth learn how livestock producers and breeders evaluate the form of their animals with their function to produce high quality saleable products to their customers. Youth will analyze individual animal traits, of four animals presented together as a class, to each other and to an accepted ideal for that species. Then, youth will rank each animal in the class and communicate their reasoning as to what order each animal was placed. Livestock judging events require youth to:
- Possess breeding and market animal industry preferences; while making accurate and complete observations
- Compare and contrast individual animals to others in class, make decisions within an allotted time, and communicate their reasoning effectively to others.
Many young agriculturalists in Virginia are already in the production of meat products through exhibiting market steers, swine, sheep, and goats at junior livestock competitions. Through participation in judging contests and other leadership contests, agents, leaders, and youth learn valid, science-based information to consider when evaluating and making decisions, as well as learning proper meat storage and handling procedures. Education of youth will provide future Virginians with knowledge and expertise to purchase safe, nutritious meat products. It will also give future agricultural and food industry leaders a broader view of the livestock industry. Members equipped with a general knowledge in meat evaluation are able to be competitive in the judging arena, but more importantly will be the individuals that lead our industry into the future.
4-H Horse Judging is designed to teach participants good conformation (structural correctness, balance, and muscling), breed character, and performance ideals in different breeds of horses. Additionally, Horse Judging will teach participants how to evaluate horses based on knowledge and fact, make a decision, and defend it. Participants will also learn horsemanship terms that can be used in a logical, systematic way to defend placings and will help participants gain confidence in their ability and use of the English language by giving oral reasons to a judge while learning to speak clearly, decisively, and convincingly.
Horse Judging Videos
4-H Horse Project Books:
- Progressive Riding Series Unit 1 - Basic Horsemanship
- Progressive Riding Series Unit 2 - Novice
- Progressive Riding Series Unit 3 -Horseman
- Progressive Riding Series Unit 4 - Horsemaster
- Self-Determined Horse Project
- Horseless Horse Project Unit 1 - Introduction to the Horse
- Horseless Horse Project Unit 2 - Horses Are Fun
- Horseless Horse Project Unit 3 - Horse & Horsemanship
- Horseless Horse Project Unit 4 - Horse Science
Other Available Resources:
Poultry judging is an evaluation event in which students learn and understand standards used in poultry and egg production and marketing, and to apply the standards in a realistic decision-making situation.
During the contest, participants judge both live specimens and market poultry, identify parts of birds already prepared for market, and evaluate eggs as to their quality and readiness for market. For at least one class, typically a live production class, participants are asked to justify their placing decisions through a set of oral reasons.
Participants compare their opinion of an animal against the ideal as specified by industry experts, and learn organizational skills as they compose their thoughts into a cohesive set of reasons justifying their decisions.The skills of decision making, critical thinking, and problem solving are acquired throughout the process.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national quality assurance education and certification program. The program focuses on animal well-being, proper medication and drug use, recordkeeping, and life skill development related to livestock projects. This certification is required on an annual basis in order to enter and exhibit livestock at the Frederick County Fair.